Monday 1 October 2012


1st October

I will try and blog everyday in October in celebration of my favourite holiday of the year, Halloween. I shall call it 'Blogtober', although I'm not sure if I invented that name or it's been done before.
It will probably be difficult considering I struggle to find things to write about now and also because I lead a pretty boring life. None the less I will give it a go and if I fail then fuck it no one reads this blog anyway.

Today I am going to an Aikido class with some good friends; Aikido is a Japanese martial art which combines philosophical and spiritual elements (at leasts that's what I understand it to be). I have always wanted to try and learn some form of self defence as I am probably the weakest person on the planet and struggle against the wind at times. But also would be nice to shift the holiday weight I put on over summer and feel skinnier for Halloween. I'm looking forward to it actually, I wanted to start doing activities that will get me out the house and doing things, and this will also have practical application to my life. But I suppose you'll find out tomorrow how this goes.

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