Sunday 28 October 2012

Not even gonna bother calling it Blogtober

Oh my poor neglected blog, it has been so long. I've been really ill past few weeks and spent most days curled up in bed feeling sorry for myself. I wish the reason I haven't blogged much was because I was out doing shit cool stuff but instead I've just been watching Dallas and YouTube videos of dogs playing with babies.

I've done some kinda cool stuff. I volunteered at a festival in Birmingham called Supersonic Festival. It's like this three day event with music, film and arty stuff. I got a free ticket for volunteering so I saw a few stuff, like this mini car race track made out of vinyl records and stuff, but the hours I was given were total shite and I missed all the cooler music and films I wanted to see. I did catch this one film though, it was called 'Black Mass Rising' and it was legit like watching an acid trip. It was about the occult and all this dark shit and I really liked it, although I have to admit I'm still quite confused about it. Outside the theatre I met the director. She was French, thin and pretty and smoking lots of cigarettes.

I'm probably going home tomorrow, I have a week off from uni so I thought I'd see the folks. Plus I super miss my dog. I will be spending Halloween in Torquay but it's ok, I doubt I would have ended up doing anything here anyway and I can spend it at home eating sweets and watching scary films (kinda like most nights of the week for me, no?)

I've had a few ideas for some blogs recently so now that I have an assignment out of the way and no deadlines for a few weeks I can crack on and do something for this blog of mine, get some readers for myself or something.

It's late now and I want to sleep but I have terrible heartburn and am dying for a wee. Until my tummy stops hurting I'll probably just browse the web, stalk people I've never met on FB and watch some porn. Night all.

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