Wednesday 10 October 2012


10th October

Once again I failed at posting everyday. Yesterday I was so tired I completely forgot. I started weightlifting with the lads. I hurt. A lot.

On a completely different note I have recently been considering veganism. As of today I will become a full vegetarian again- I have taken a stint in the past few years of eating fish due to health reasons but it is still something I don't feel right about. I do not write this to try and push my beliefs onto others and I do not have issues with other people eating meat- all of my family and the majority of my friends are meat eaters- I just want to share my thoughts on the issue. Cutting out meat has not been an issue for me and I have done so for around 5 years now. But I think not eating cheese, milk and eggs will be the real challenge. It's something I have been thinking about anyway. Until tomorrow guys.

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