Monday 17 September 2012

Style Icons: Lydia Deetz

I want to tell you all about my fashion interests. As I expect everyone and their mother uncle on here says, fashion is a great love of mine, and I believe personal style is the best and most effective way to express who you are to other people. From how a person chooses to dress themselves you can generally get an idea of the kind of person they are and what their interests might be.
You are always going to be judged by your cover, so I say why not give the bastards something to really judge you for?

Anyway enough spiel, I will tell you all one of my most favourite ever style icons. Fictional character from Tim Burton's Beetlejuice; Lydia Deetz.

"Live people ignore the Strange and unusual; I myself am strange and unusual."- Lydia Deetz

Lydia Deetz in Beetlejuice 1988, portrayed by Winona Ryder

When I was a kid and I first saw Beetlejuice, I wanted to be Lydia Deetz. I was a grungy little tomboy at the time and I thought she just looked so cool with her kooky black hair, Victorian inspired dresses and chalk white skin. Lydia was the moody gothic teenager who wore black veils in the sunlight and carried a camera around her neck at all times. I knew that when I grew up, I would want to dress like Lydia from Beetlejuice.
She was quite the enigma on the screen. Saying little at first but still commanding your attention, her style and appearance was hard to miss. Love her or hate her, you'd see her.

The reasons I like Lydia's style is because I felt it was a true expression of her. She was a kid who liked the darker side of life, even referred to herself as 'strange and unusual'. From looking at her you'd be able to tell the kind of girl she was and what her interests probably were.

Whenever I go for a long black skirt and choose to then pair it with a dark black top, it'll remind me of Lydia. As sad as this will sound it then makes me feel a bit more encouraged to wear all black and allow my skin to look as pasty white and cold as it always does, without a cheeky bit of blusher or bronzer!

"My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room."- Lydia Deetz

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